The Gundam Card Game has a release date!
I've been waiting a lifetime for a proper Gundam card game. It's providence that it should finally happen at the same time I decide to open an online card shop. Along with a new miniatures game (that I will talk about in another post that I am equally hyped for), the first set, Newtype Rising, officially releases July 11, 2025!
Gundam is going to be a big part of what I do this year, hence the SD Grasshopper mascot at the top of this blog post. I don't expect to have access to distributors, and so far I've had no luck getting into any of the preview events, but I will be preordering as much product as I can get my hands on. In a perfect world, I want the shop to be the only place you need to look for singles. I want The Grasshopper to be as large a part of the Gundam Card Game community as possible. Expect lots of coverage. Booster breaks, deck techs, tournament vlogs, winner interviews.
I may fall flat on my face, but in the immortal words of Amuro Ray:
"I don't know unless I try!"